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SquareX Last Mile Reassembly Attack Vector

August 2024 by Adam Maruyama, Field CTO at Garrison Technology

Adam Maruyama, Field CTO at Garrison Technology (and former intelligence officer), shares the commentary on Square X’s last mile reassembly attack vendor:

“SquareX’s “last mile reassembly” attack vector is another reminder that many of the “smartest” features of SWGs don’t serve as effective security controls in an age of distributed computing and hosting – nor will AI/ML enhancements to SWGs and similar technologies solve the problem, since reconstructing browser traffic before forwarding it on to its final destination is unrealistically resource intensive and latency inducing. Instead of testing the sandboxing and detection capabilities that much of the security community knows to be aspirational at best in the SWG feature set, security leaders should focus on the strength of a SWG – filtering URLs. By taking a proactive, “known good” allow listing approach and using high-performance, hardware-enforced remote browser isolation (RBI) technology to process traffic that would otherwise be blocked, the SWG can be leveraged to mitigate the risk of malicious webcode, regardless of whether it’s assembled at the first or last mile, while providing the employees with the broad access to information and apps hosted throughout the open Internet.”

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