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According to Rubrik Zero Labs, 70% of all data is subject to blind spots and is generally not readable by security devices

May 2024 by Rubrik

Rubrik Zero Labs, the cybersecurity research entity of Rubrik, has released a report on the state of data security that reveals that 70% of all data in organisations is generally not readable by security devices. Rubrik Zero Labs’ latest study, The State of Data Security: Measuring the Risk to Your Data, finds that the increasing adoption of the cloud is creating new security blind spots.

Organizations are becoming more dependent on the cloud. In 2023, Rubrik observed that cloud architecture stored 13% of an organization’s data, compared to 9% in 2022. Comparatively, on-premises declined from 77% in 2022 to 70% in 2023. Of the external organizations victimized in a cyberattack in 2023, many were attacked across multiple aspects of their hybrid environment with 67% of attacks impacting SaaS data, 66% for the cloud, and 51% for on-premises locations.

The cloud comes with inherent risk based on security blind spots and vulnerable sensitive data, according to Rubrik Telemetry:

• Blind spot #1: 70% of all data in a typical cloud instance is object storage, which typically has a far lower security coverage compared to other areas.
• Blind spot #2: 88% of all data in object storage is not confirmed as machine readable or covered by prominent security technologies and services.
• Blind spot #3: More than 25% of object storage data is subject to regulatory or legal requirements, such as protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII).

Rubrik Zero Labs’ new “The State of Data Security: Measuring Your Data’s Risk” report offers insights on real-world risks against data as the pace and volume of cyber events continues to increase globally, aided by the explosion of data in the cloud and the realities of modern computing environments. Rubrik Zero Labs studies the challenges organizations’ face to protect their crown jewels — their data — as well as how to reduce data risk and prepare for the evolving risk cycle before, during, and after a cyberattack.

Rubrik Zero Labs, the company’s data security research unit formed to analyze the global threat landscape, reports on emerging data security issues to give organizations research-backed insights and best practices to secure their data against increasing cyber events.

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