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Roger Biscay will be joining Qrypt’s Board of Advisors

November 2023 by Marc Jacob

Qrypt announced that Roger Biscay, SVP, Corporate Treasurer and Head of Global Corporate Security at Cisco, will be joining Qrypt’s Board of Advisors. Biscay brings over two decades of executive and senior leadership experience at Cisco, overseeing strategic and corporate financial activities and programs.

During his tenure at Cisco, Biscay has overseen capital markets, corporate finance, risk management and technology architecture and standards. This includes successfully navigating Cisco’s multibillion-dollar investment portfolio through two global financial crises in 2000 and 2008 and the 2020 global pandemic. In addition to his functional responsibilities, Biscay is also Cisco’s executive sponsor to several Fortune 100 companies.

Qrypt has developed a proven, unbreakable quantum-secure encryption solution in exclusive partnerships with the most renowned labs in the industry, including Oak Ridge National Lab, Los Alamos National Lab and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). This revolutionary encryption solution eliminates the key transmission process used in traditional encryption methods, ensuring enhanced data protection.

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