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Fime accredited by NVLAP for biometric testing

December 2023 by Marc Jacob

Fime France has accredited by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for biometric testing (NVLAP Lab Code 600365-0). With this accreditation, Fime can help biometric solution providers to demonstrate the quality and reliability of their solutions. It will also support solution buyers, integrators and platform brand owners to evaluate the performance and security of biometric solutions prior to implementing them in their products, bringing confidence to end users.

This latest achievement reinforces Fime’s expertise in the evaluation of biometrics, as well as its conformance with NIST Handbook 150 and ISO/IEC 17025. Fime can now support customers in verifying that solutions meet standards for performance matching accuracy (ISO/IEC 19795) and presentation attack detection (ISO/IEC 30107). This testing goes beyond face and fingerprint recognition to include other biometric technologies, such as voice, palm vein or multimodality.

This latest accreditation extends Fime’s portfolio of biometric testing services across its labs in Europe and in Asia.

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